Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Cooper was a penguin this year...shh..don't tell him Parker wore it last year. He still thinks it's cool to wear Parker's hand me downs. I hope he continues to think that because he has another few years ahead to get those.

The gang: Scotlyn (the fairy/gogo dancer/ballerina), Parker (the dalmation), and Cooper (the penguin)

Scottie and Parker outside

Here is Parker at school in his Fall Parade. He was a little embarrassed, but gave me a big smile anyway. He had to walk past my classroom and all my students were saying hi Parker to him.

Outside with our pumpkins the kids carved.

Nana and Cooper hard at work picking out all those pumpkin seeds that Nana ending up burning in the oven.

Miss Scotlyn

Daddy helping the boys.

Auntie Sarah looks thrilled to be carving pumpkins this evening.

This was taken on the first day of school. Scotlyn is in 3rd grade and Parker is in preschool still.