Sunday, December 7, 2008

Matt had a business trip to North Dakota for 3 days and he was able to take our girl with him. He does a great job at taking pictures. He's actually the photographer in our family...I think he gets it from his mom! They had so much fun that everytime I talked to her she wasn't ready to come home. As you can see in the pictures of the hotel room, Matt lets her get away with a lot more than I do...aka the messy room with clothes all over and she's eating on the floor and not a table. They were able to go to a children's museum and do some sight seeing. I love the picture of the two of them in front of the river. I always heard that it would be daddy's sure is! I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he spoils her and buys here whatever she wants!

1 comment:

Erin+Marc = Ethan&Aidan said...

You have a PLANE?! Wow. That is AWESOME.