Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our New Addition!

Here are pics of the newest addition to our family...Milo Mikkelson. Matt didn't think that soon to be 3 kids and 1 dog were enough, so he added another member to our family. This dog was found roaming a few towns north of us by another family, they had him neutered and got him the shots he needed. They were giving him away and Matt thought Ole needed a here is!


brit said...

are you NUTS???? if people/animals keep gettin added to your home, someones gonna have to get the boot. better tell matt to WATCH OUT! you are a far better woman than me. i wont tell my kids that you have 2 dogs and i wont even let them have one. concerning the christmas pics, could your kids BE any cuter? i cant believe how "mature" Scotlyn is. makes me miss ya.....

Chuck and Drema said...

Wow what an American family! I think the dog will be a good friend for Ole, I know your life is busy this will help him have a friend to play with while the humans are gone, hahahahahah
Honey I am so proud to say that I am your mom, I love you and I wish you and the family a new year Love and God Bless Forever and ever and ever Mom

The Palmers said...

Oh boy. I remember when Dana brought home our 2nd cat/kitten because it did not have a home or a family to love it. Can't say I miss having pets..... But, good on ya!

Jack Attack said...

If I remember right you were not the biggest animal lover and now you have two dogs! I am a huge animal lover with none! Looks like everything is going well. I would love to get together this coming weekend. I will call you!

Robyn said...

Love the new addition to the family! You always need 2.... to keep eachother company.

So your last post was on the 1st, it is now the 21st! Who is the slacker now??