Saturday, December 5, 2009

November happenings...

November came and went and I'm not sure I even took a breath! We were able to fly down to Vegas for a few days to celebrate my dad's 50th birthday. Unfortunately, I only took one pic of my lil' sis and I. We had a fabu time and would love to have another mini vaca. Matt's parents were able to come up to Idaho for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed having them and look forward to my parents at Christmas time. Some of the pics include Scotlyn and Parker playing on the computer. He loves watching her play Webkinz and watching Matt play Farmville on Facebook. Some pics of Scotlyn at the Harvest Festival and helping me make pies. The boys all wintered up at the Harvest Festival and Cooper in his exersaucer, which he no longer like because he wants to always be on the go.

1 comment:

Ty * April said...

I have to agree. Life is a lot more eventful with three kids. :) They sure are cute. and Wow! When did Sarah grow up? I still picture her as a little 12 year old.

Hope you are enduring the cold!