Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Well my post last evening, in hopes of a peaceful night sleep, went over very well. Matt made it through the night without taking any pain meds!! He did wake up with quite a headache though. I know he tries to lessen the amount of pain meds they have prescribed him, but I reminded him that he did just have brain surgery only a week ago (we're going to get tired of the word brain surgery).  I don't have much to post today, but when he started to explain some symptoms he was having, I stopped, grabbed the notebook, and said wait...your readers will want to know this.

He started to explain how his head was feeling like it was full of air and fluid. He said that when he pushes on his right side, where the incision is, it feels squishy like an air cushion, and when he gets up or moves his head he can feel fluid moving around inside. He also said that his sinuses make kind of a whistle sound when he moves his head around. He got a call from the surgeon's secretary today and she confirmed that yes, that's what he is indeed feeling. It could last 2-3 months and is fluid and/or air surrounding his brain underneath the skull and outside his skull underneath his skin (I can officially call him an airhead). She also let him know that his tumor was what they had thought it was, a cranial meningioma. It was benign (yay!!) and it was categorized as a level 1. If you ever plan to have a brain tumor, you want a level 1 because a level 5 is bad. So for now, he needs to continue his rest and take it easy until we head back to SL for his follow up appointments in 3 1/2 weeks with the surgeon, eye specialists, and an endocrinologist.

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